Sunday, November 1, 2015

Bill Nighy Halloween theme

Bill Nighy Halloween themed for an online contest. Caricaturama Showdown 3000 Contest. Acrylic on canvas 2015.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

"Archibald and the Bald Archy; a photo-bomb" wins the Bld Archy prize 2015

Xavier Ghazi wins the Bald Archy Prize a fifth time.
Acrylic on canvas.

Nicole Kidman caricature. Bald Archy Prize entry 2006

"Nicole" Bald Archy Prize 2006. Acrylic on canvas.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Karl Marx. Study

Karl Marx. Study. Graphite on paper. 2014

Marcel Proust..Study.

Marcel Proust..Study. Graphite on paper. 2014

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Peter Garrett caricature 2003

Acrylic on canvas 2003..Entry to the Bald Archy..Private collection

Sunday, April 24, 2011

More pics (and leaks)

(Photos Marco Del Grande)

The opening

Hat tip to my friend Steve Panozzo for the photos, thanks.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My first win for my first participation ( Ian Thorpe)..2002

From the archives Redux. Winner (2007) with Dame Edna/Barry Humphries)

Godamm! I was cuter then!!

From the archives. Winner of the 2004 Bald Archy (Rupert Murdoch)

In the press


Politicians dominated the humorous art competition, but it was a depiction of Mr Assange taking a leak in an American top hat that took the 2001 prize, which was announced in Sydney on Tuesday.

The painting, entitled `Bad Ass…ange’, by French artist Xavier Ghazi, was “deliciously, irreverently, larrikin-y Australian,” competition founder Peter Batey said.

The Bald Archy exhibition and its $5000 prize is advertised as the only art show one in the world judged by a sulphur-crested cockatoo named Maude.

Maude’s decision was “not influenced by fame or favour”, Mr Batey joked.

The cockatoo wasn’t present at the announcement, but a contented cat called Rocky watched on with interest.

A total of seven Julian Assange caricatures made the finals of the competition, which makes fun of Australian celebrities and politicians.

But Ghazi’s was “the definitive Bald Archy”, Mr Batey said.

“It’s an appropriate subject which people seem to have varied opinions about.”

Assange is portrayed with his usual deadpan expression and his trousers around his ankles as he pees into a top hat with an American flag on it.

Read more

ABC report on the Bald Archy

Assange Portrait Wins Bald Archy by NewsLook

ABC interview with Xavier Ghazi

Uploaded by on Apr 18, 2011

Winner of the Bald Archy prize Xavier Ghazi says he agrees with the philosophy behind his muse Julian Assange's WikiLeaks organisation.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Winner of the Bald Archy Prize 2011 to be announced Tuesday 19. Fingers, or rather brushes, crossed!

The Winning Entry will be announced
on Tuesday 19 April
at 12 noon at the
TAP Gallery, 45 Burton Street,
The exhibition will be open to the public
Daily from 12 noon to 6.00pm
until 15 May.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The entry that failed to take the top prize at the Bald Archies this year but placed well nevertheless

His Assholiness placed in the top 3 (or 4 with the winner can't really be sure)
Acrylic on canvas

Monday, December 6, 2010

Julian (Bad)ass..ange. A sketch

2010..Penil on paper

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Acrylic on canvas. 2005 for an illustrators' exhibition in Sydney

Donald Horne and Tom Jones: 2 illustrations for the Australian Magazine

Studies and sketches

Jean-Dominique Ingres
Natalie Imbroglia
Isabelle Adjani

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Galileo Galilei, a sketch

Graphite on paper (Sept, 2010)
A quick study of Galileo's head..I'd rather not go ahead with any "finished" drawing..I like it as it is..rough, sketchy and gestural..But who knows? Tomorrow I may think it's just crap..(Sigh)..Actually coming to think of it, the eye on the right is a bit ..oh, never mind..

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mirror mirror on the wall... Who's the greatest of them all?

(Velasquez . Graphite on paper. Sept 2010..)

Yes he's the greatest. I can hardly imagine any other in the same league (except Vermeer of course)..

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Van Gogh head study

Graphite on paper..A study for Van Gogh painting.
Not as much fun as I wished it to be but there's nothing to laugh at with Van Gogh who's life was an experience in the misery of being an underestimated artist..He only sold one painting during his entire his brother!

Gustave Flaubert, a sketch

Graphite on preparation for a painting

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Pastel on paper..2o05..For sale ( as everything else when not sold)
Less caricature than tweaking..plyaing with the shape and pushing it around..

Jim Morrisson (The Doors)

Acrylic on illustration board 1993..For sale

Friday, August 20, 2010

Mozart, a caricature

Pastel on paper 2009..For sale

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dianne Gameson

More stylised than caricatured. One of three illustrations commissioned by Illustrators Australia for their annuel book 2005..Dianne is/was Victoria's president of the Association..


Acrylic on illustration board..2005...

David Baker

Mixed Media on paper..2005..More stylised than caricatured. One of three illustrations for Illustrators Australia's yearbook. David is/was the president of the Association.. David Baker's collection.

Charecters of interest redux

Acrylic on paper- 2004

Jazzman Steve

Pastel on paper..1993- Illustration for Jeune Afrique ( France)

Nicole Kidman

Acrylic on canvas ..Entry to the Bald Archy in 2007..For sale. This is only a scan of a page from the Daily telegraph.

Edouard Vuillard, a Fauve

Acrylic on canvas..For sale

Pin Up, a caricature

Acrylic on canvas 2007..For sale

My third win at the Bald Archy

Acrylic on canvas. The Bald Archy collection

The Bald Archy Prize – The Alternative Archibald

5 – 22 April, Coffs Harbour

Created in 1994 as a spoof of that more serious competition, the Bald Archy provides artists of all styles and standards with a genuine opportunity, ranging from the hilarious to the bizarrely vulgar, to create portrait paintings of humour, dark satire, light comedy or caricature. Winning subjects over the years have included Kerry Packer, Amanda Vanstone, Edmund Capon, Shane Warne, Dame Edna Average, John Howard and Pauline Hanson, Robbie and Gai Waterhouse, Rupert Murdoch, Jeff Kennet, Cardinal George Pell and Tony Abbott, and Ian Thorpe. Website

John Howard

Acrylic on canvas 2004..Entry to the Bald Archy Prize in 2005. For sale

Rupert Murdoch...Second win at the Bald Archy Prize 2004

Acrylic on canvas 2003..Collection of the Bald Archy Prize.

Ian Thorpe..My first win at the Archies

Ian Thorpe - Acrylic on canvas..My first win at the Bald Archy Prize 2002 ..Collection of the Bald Archy Prize

Rembrandt ....a caricature

Mixed media on heavy paper..2002...For sale

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Samuel Beckett

Pastel on paper..Winner of the "Festival International Du Dessin Humouristique" of Anglet (France 1991)