Thursday, August 19, 2010

My third win at the Bald Archy

Acrylic on canvas. The Bald Archy collection

The Bald Archy Prize – The Alternative Archibald

5 – 22 April, Coffs Harbour

Created in 1994 as a spoof of that more serious competition, the Bald Archy provides artists of all styles and standards with a genuine opportunity, ranging from the hilarious to the bizarrely vulgar, to create portrait paintings of humour, dark satire, light comedy or caricature. Winning subjects over the years have included Kerry Packer, Amanda Vanstone, Edmund Capon, Shane Warne, Dame Edna Average, John Howard and Pauline Hanson, Robbie and Gai Waterhouse, Rupert Murdoch, Jeff Kennet, Cardinal George Pell and Tony Abbott, and Ian Thorpe. Website

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